PCE Executive Board Nominations 2021



The online nomination ballot submission form will be made available at the general meeting on Wednesday, April 14, 8:00 PM, and will stay open until 12:00 AM. Please message Exec about any time conflicts or connectivity issues. This is the only window of time to submit your nominations through the form.


  • Requirements to be eligible to run for Exec:

    • Is currently on staff or has completed one full year of staff prior to this year

    • Will be a full-time Cal Poly student for the 2021-2022 Academic School Year

    • Must have at least two unique nominations.


  • Eligible candidates will be notified immediately after the collection of nomination forms.

  • You will have 24 hours to Accept, Wait, or Decline for each position you have been nominated for.

  • Note that you may only Accept one position at most. By accepting a position nomination, you automatically Decline all other positions you may have been nominated for. However, you may Wait on as many positions as you would like.


Week 3

  • WED, April 14 Nominations form become available from 8 PM to 12 AM.

  • THU, April 15 Deadline for nominees to either Accept, Decline, Wait at 11:59 PM

  • SAT, April 17 Exec Info Session from 12-1 PM, Nominees may set up additional office hours afterward

  • SUN, April 18 Hard deadline for Nominees to Accept or Decline at 11:59 PM

Week 4

  • MON, April 19 Exec Candidates are announced, Election Q&A Form opened

  • TUE, April 20 Election Q&A Form Closes at 11:59 PM

  • WED, April 21 PCE Executive Board Elections at 8:00 PM on Zoom

  • THU, April 22 New PCE Executive Board 2021-2022 Announced

  • FRI, April 23 Possible Tiebreaker or Recount day, if needed

Executive Board