PCE Executive Board Nominations 2021
The online nomination ballot submission form will be made available at the general meeting on Wednesday, April 14, 8:00 PM, and will stay open until 12:00 AM. Please message Exec about any time conflicts or connectivity issues. This is the only window of time to submit your nominations through the form.
Requirements to be eligible to run for Exec:
Is currently on staff or has completed one full year of staff prior to this year
Will be a full-time Cal Poly student for the 2021-2022 Academic School Year
Must have at least two unique nominations.
Eligible candidates will be notified immediately after the collection of nomination forms.
You will have 24 hours to Accept, Wait, or Decline for each position you have been nominated for.
Note that you may only Accept one position at most. By accepting a position nomination, you automatically Decline all other positions you may have been nominated for. However, you may Wait on as many positions as you would like.
Week 3
WED, April 14 Nominations form become available from 8 PM to 12 AM.
THU, April 15 Deadline for nominees to either Accept, Decline, Wait at 11:59 PM
SAT, April 17 Exec Info Session from 12-1 PM, Nominees may set up additional office hours afterward
SUN, April 18 Hard deadline for Nominees to Accept or Decline at 11:59 PM
Week 4
MON, April 19 Exec Candidates are announced, Election Q&A Form opened
TUE, April 20 Election Q&A Form Closes at 11:59 PM
WED, April 21 PCE Executive Board Elections at 8:00 PM on Zoom
THU, April 22 New PCE Executive Board 2021-2022 Announced
FRI, April 23 Possible Tiebreaker or Recount day, if needed