What is Social Events?

PCE hosts various social events throughout the year. These events are great ways to meet other PCE members and make new friends! Social Event Coordinators work hard to organize some of our larger events throughout the year such as Friendship Games and our formals and banquets, and collaborate with other coordinators such as Sports or Membership to host more casual or intimate social events for PCE such as Sunset Social or Welcome Back Picnic. Read about a couple of our events below!


Some of Our Events!


Friendship Games

“Spirit! Pride! Unity! Friendship!”
Friendship Games began in 1985 and features over 40 Pilipino American Student organizations from college campuses representing California, Nevada and Arizona that participate in a day of friendly but competitive picnic games, performances and to celebrate “S.P.U.F” – Spirit, Pride, Unity, and Friendship. Schools compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies. The school that shows the most S.P.U.F is awarded an 8 foot tall trophy.


PCE Formals & Banquets

If you like dressing up and having fun, PCE hosts banquets and dances! We usually have our Thanksgiving Banquet at the end of Fall Quarter, and a PCE Formal in Winter. At the end of Spring, we come together for a Senior Banquet to honor and celebrate our graduates!


And more!

We have many other events throughout the year. Be on the lookout for announcements at our general meetings!


Meet Our 2024-2025 Social Events Coordinators!

Meet the Social Coords!

Janalee Taguiam and Jeanellekim Serquina