More Friendship Games 2018 Info
Hi Everyone!
Some quick things to keep in mind as Friendship Games approaches (8 days left!):
Please pay your F-Games fees by Saturday (10/13)
Pricing listed below
This coming Wednesday’s (10/17) meeting is mandatory for anyone participating in Friendship Games.
Liability and Release forms will be collected throughout the coming week, please turn them in to either Kristina or me
Files attached below
We will be announcing a prop making schedule soon, we really need your help to pull this off
Come to practice this Saturday (10/13) after Culture Fest to learn more about the games and SPUF
Fill out the provided Driver/Rider form below ASAP
It is different from the F-Games interest list
Thank you for all the support, can’t wait till next Saturday!
- Bennison Flores
Member & Hotel $45
Member & No Hotel $ 30
Non-member & Hotel $55
Non-member & No hotel $35
How to Pay:
Venmo : @PCE-SLO
Include information in payment:
First Name + Last Name
Member or Non-Member
Shirt Size
Hotel or No Hotel
Please contact Social Events (Kristina Pimentel & Bennison Flores) for any questions or concerns you may have and our Treasurer (Celestine Co) if you need help paying for the fees, we really want you all to come and experience the joy of F-Games!
Driver/Rider Form:
F-Games is next Saturday, so get ready! Attached is the Google form that you must fill out in order to get a ride. Further information will be released throughout the week. Get HYPED!