Thanksgiving Banquet Committee

Hi Everyone!

We’d like to thank everyone again who came down to FGames with us. We had a SPUFing lit time! With that being said, our next event, Thanksgiving Banquet (more info below), is only TWO Saturdays away. We need your help as KuyAtes and Adings alike to make our vision possible.

Attached below is the interest form to join our TBanq Committee. This is our first time trying out something like this, so we want as many people helping us as possible! Who knows, you might meet your KuyAte if you sign up.

Bennison Flores

Social Events

PS - I’m Kristina’s Kuya.

What is Thanksgiving Banquet?

If you didn’t know, TBanq (Thanksgiving Banquet) is an annual event that Social Events hosts to give everyone an opportunity to get to know and catchup with their PCE families. Think of it as a giant potluck with all 37 families in PCE! There are performances by our lovely performing groups, open mic throughout the event, and lots and lots of love! It’s a fun way to celebrate with your new families

That is…

If you guess right ding-dings UwU

But don’t worry instead of a “kid’s table”, we have the “We love you, but try again next year” table. You only get three guesses, so be sure to guess Kristina and I. That way you get to sit with your fams.

Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.

Social EventsSocial Events