What is Modern?

PCE Modern is a non-audition hip hop and modern dance crew, so invite all of your friends to come try it out! It's the perfect way to take stress away from school and learn to express yourself through movement. No experience? Just come out and try it! You'll be surprised at how good you are and how much better you'll be.

For more information on practices, join our Facebook group!



Modern on Youtube

This playlist features some of the Modern performances and introduction videos from throughout the years. Feel free to click the drop down menu and browse!
Make sure to also check out the performances from during our annual Pilipino Cultural Night - recordings of the full shows can found on our YouTube channel!


Meet Our 2023-2024 Modern Coordinators!

Dylan Ferrer

Johanna Naranjo

Johanna Naranjo

Interested in Interning for Modern?